Wednesday, October 22, 2003

Stacey's Southern Nostra

You say polenta, I say Bill Neal's Shrimp and Grits...

A recipe for crockpot grits in Saveur caught my eye. Put the grits in the crockpot, and the next morning you've got grits for breakfast. Stacey, ever practical, pointed out that grits take like two minutes, so what's the point?

Ah, but then after reading the article, and pondering artisanal stone-ground grits, rather than quick grits, she thought this might be worth considering. I yield to her grits acumen--her mother's side of the family is from Alabama, after all.

I persuaded her to buy some corn meal (labeled "also known as Polenta") at the store, then of course discovered (surprise, surprise) we already had corn meal in the cabinet. Stacey had already planned to cook fish, and the catfish looked the best (and had a price you couldn't beat). And, surprise, she cooked it breaded in cornmeal/grits/polenta, it was fabulous. Wonderful red chard on the side.

(Beat the heck out of Matrix Reloaded, our DVD for the evening. Yowsa!)

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