Saturday, October 11, 2003

I Hate that It's Hard to Hate the Marlins

So, I'm glad the Cubs are holding their own for all the obvious reason, but also because it's hard to hate the Marlins.

Before it was a Cubs v. Marlins series, didn't you just cheer for every play by Ivan Rodriguez? But, really, it's time to address a problem, Pudge. That name. Pudge. Come on, who is your agent? I can't keep that name in my head, and besides, it's just bad, bad, bad.

Let's play the name game. Bananna-ramma-bo-banna. Pudge. Sludge. Paunch. Midge.

That's my association game. (And, ooo, my spell check wanted to change it to Pudgy. Yikes.)

How about a campaign to change it to Punch? Just anything but Pudge. Or Chipper. Keep that off the list, too.

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