Thursday, October 30, 2003

New and Old Recipes

While we are slowly making our way through the Cosa Nostra, we're also scheming for the 25th anniversary volume--what the organization will be, what recipes we want to submit, how technology will make things much easier for us than for "Ed." aka Phyllis.

So, when salmon was in the fridge, Stacey suggested pulling out Lisa Sampson Singer's version from the recipe box. Here it is, verbatim:

Lisa Sampson Singer's Salmon Sauce

--bread crumbs

Mix in whatever proportions that you have. Micro-zap salmon 2+2 until it pops. Cover with sauce, then broil for one minute or until your forget then one more minute.

And some people say I haven't progressed since "Everything In A Tortilla." Hmm.

The salmon was delicious, by the way.

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