Monday, October 27, 2003

I Can Only Name a Few Marlin Players

Banana, rama-bo-bana. Pudge, Sludge, Punch, bo-bunch. Midge Madge. I'm, ultimately, not a real, true, intense baseball fan because I can't name players other than the Cubs. Like, how many games with the Marlins did I watch, and what can I tell you about their team off the top of my head? Ok, sure, Pudge. And Pierre, only because of the connection to a childhood book, in which the refrain was "I Don't Care, Said Pierre," which I would recite every time he came to bat. Beckett, sure. Conine the Barbarian. The OTHER Alex Rodriguez. But you know, it's really about the Cubs.

Which is odd, given that free agency, TV domination, etc. has meant that the Cubs season starting lineup had little to do with the ending season team lineup. (Thank you Kenny, Randall, E-ramos, make that Aramis.) And you know, I think I can still name most of the players for the St. Louis Cardinals of my youth. Lou Brock, Bob Gibson, Curt Flood, Tim McCarver, and my very favorite (listening at night on the radio from Halstead, KS, and I didn't even care about baseball) Orlando Cepeda.

That being said, happy for the Fish over the Yankees anytime. ABC. ABY. (Anybody but Carolina. Anybody but the Yankees.)

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